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  3. How Do I Create a Nebula User?
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  3. How Do I Create a Nebula User?

How Do I Create a Nebula User?

This article explains how to add a new Nebula user of any supported type; Local, Azure SSO, or Okta SSO.

This article describes how to add a new user who doesn’t already exist in the Nebula system. If the user already exists and needs to be added to a Provisioning Entity, see How to Associate an Existing User to a Provisioning Entity

1. Log in to the Nebula UI, and click on User Management:

2. You will be directed to the User Management screen. Click the Add User button:

Note: You will only see users in domains to which you have access.

3. The Add User dialog will be displayed. Fill in the dialog with the desired information:

  • Type: Select the type of user from the following choices:
    • Azure SSO: This type of user must be tied to an Azure SSO. Please ensure that your email address domain is one of: global.ntt or cis.ntt.com. If you select this type, the Password field will disappear.
    • Local: This type of user is not tied to an Azure SSO. If you select this type, the dialog will expand to present the required Password and Confirm Password fields.
      • Password and Confirm Password fields are explained below
    • Okta SSO: This type of user must be tied to an Okta SSO. Please ensure that your email address domain is: global.ntt. If you select this type, the Password field will disappear.
    • Note: All User types may not be available to be selected, depending on the Tenant. If a User type is not available, it will be visible, but you will be unable to select it.
  • Display Name: The Display Name is the name which is displayed for the User
  • Email Address: The email address associated with the User. Used for logging in to the system
  • Password: Enter a complex password – Only visible if the user you are creating is “Local”
    • Note: The Password must be between 8-50 characters and must contain a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, at least one digit, and at least one symbol
  • Confirm Password: Only visible if the user you are creating is “Local”. You must enter the password exactly as you did above.
  • Roles: Select the Roles which the new User will have from the drop-down menu:
    • User: User can view, add, edit, delete other users, and grant any role privilege available. As such, we suggest assigning this role only as needed.
      • User_readonly: User can only view users
      • Organizations: User can view, add, edit, and delete Organizations as well as provision services
      • Organizations_readonly: User can only view Organizations and associated services
      • Reports_readonly: User can download reports and view Organizations and associated services
  • Entities: Select which Entities the User will have access to view and manage. You may select more than one:
    • Ticking the Allow User access to all entities tick box will allow the user to access all Provisioning Entities

4. Once you have filled out the form, click Submit:

5. The UI will display a message indicating that the new user was successfully created:

Note: If a user has logged in using the SSO feature prior to being created as a local user, you will see the following error:
If that is the case, you can associate the user with a Provisioning Entity by following the directions here:
How to Associate an Existing User to a Provisioning Entity

6. The new user will be displayed in the User list:

Note: The Last Logged In field will be updated with the time/date of the last login, as well as the IP Address of the user once the user logs in for the first time.

Updated on April 21, 2022

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