This article describes the “Monthly Costs” dataset available to the Power BI report designer for the current generation of Analysis Reports. The data mostly maps to the underlying Monthly Costs Report data, but there are content and data format changes as the output has been customized to support the needs of Power BI. This article is designed to provide the technical detail as to what data the fields in the underlying Analysis reports are presenting.
- provisioningEntityId: Unique GUID that identifies the Provisioning Entity that the report covers
- englishProvisioningEntityName: English Language name for the Provisioning Entity
- japaneseProvisioningEntityName: Japanese Name for the Provisioning Entity (if applicable)
- dedicatedTenant (boolean) – If TRUE, the Provisioning Entity does not use Nebula for Subscription provisioning. There is no Organization-level detail and usage from all Subscriptions is aggregated into a single total. All Organization-level metadata columns will be blank.
- organizationId – Unique GUID for each Organization underneath the Provisioning Entity.
- englishOrganizationName – English name of the Organization.
- japaneseOrganizationName Japanese Name for the Organization (if populated).
- internalOrganization (boolean) –When TRUE, identifies the Organization is marked as an “internal use” organization.
- ringfenced (optional – boolean) – Included only if it’s NOT a Dedicated Tenant
- ringfencedId (optional – string) – This column will only appear if the Organization is ringfenced. The ringfence ID(s) of the organization will be displayed here.
- Note that if an organization has multiple ringfence IDs, they will be separated by a comma
- poc (boolean) – When TRUE, identifies that the Organization has been marked as a “Proof of Concept” organization.
- organizationAzureRetailDiscount – Identifies what Retail Discount the Provisioning Entity is providing for this organization. This value may change based on the Usage Month. In this dataset, the value is always populated as Power BI needs a value even for internal organizations.
- date – This field replaces the Monthly Costs report’s calendarYear and calendarMonth fields with a single data field supported by Power BI.
- meterType – Identifies whether the Meter Id represents: Reserved Instance (RI), Marketplace purchase (MARKETPLACE), Spot Instance (SPOT), or Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) usage.
- azureMeterId – Identifies the Microsoft Azure unique GUID for that Meter Id. Populated for all meterType(s) except MARKETPLACE.
- azureProduct – High-level name of the Product associated with the azureMeterId. Populated for all meterType(s) except MARKETPLACE.
- azureServiceFamily – This field does not appear on the Monthly Costs report but does appear on the Detailed Usage report. It identifies the “service family” of the Azure Meter, allowing the Analysis report to better group usage for summarization purposes. Populated for all meterType(s)except MARKETPLACE.
- azureMeterCategoory – This field does not appear on the Monthly Costs report but does appear on the Detailed Usage report. It identifies the “meter category” of the Azure Meter, allowing the Analysis report to better group usage for summarization purposes. Populated for all meterType(s) except MARKETPLACE.
- azureMeterSubCategoory – This field does not appear on the Monthly Costs report but does appear on the Detailed Usage report. It identifies the “Meter Sub-Category” of the Azure Meter. This data is populated only for a relatively small set of Azure Meters.
- azureMeterName – Specific name for the azureMeterId in the row. Populated for all meterType(s) except MARKETPLACE.
- marketplacePublisherName – Publisher of the Marketplace offering associated with the usage row. Populated only for MARKETPLACE rows
- marketplacePlanName – Marketplace offering associated with the usage row. Populated only for MARKETPLACE rows
- paygTierMin – Populated only for PAYG rows with multiple pricing tiers. Identifies which pricing tier is related to the row – the value represents the lowest quantity of the given tier.
- aggregatedAzureQuantity – Aggregated value of all Quantities reported by Azure for all rows for the azureMeterId.
Note: This value has different meanings within Azure depending on the meterType - paygUnitPrice – Populated only for PAYG rows. Identifies the PAYG rate being applied to the quantity to identify the price for the row
- calculatedRetailPrice – Same data as the calculatedPaygPrice in the Monthly Costs report. Represents the total price for the usage row under “Pay-As-You-Go” offer.
- reservedRetail – If the meterType is RI, this is populated with the calculatedRetailPrice. Otherwise, it is populated with zero. This field allows PowerBI to sum the charges related to Reserved Instance usage.
- marketplaceRetail – If the meterType is MARKETPLACE, this is populated with the calculatedRetailPrice. Otherwise, it is populated with zero. This field allows the PowerBI to sum the charges related to Marketplace usage.
- spotRetail – If the meterType is SPOT, this is populated with the calculatedRetailPrice. Otherwise, it is populated with zero. This field allows the PowerBI to sum the charges related to Spot usage.
- paygRetail – If the meterType is PAYG this is populated with the calculatedRetailPrice. Otherwise, it is populated with zero. This field allows the PowerBI to sum the charges for all usage that is not RI/SPOT/MARKETPLACE
- calculatedRetailAfterDiscount – This represents the retail charge after any organizationAzureRetailDiscount is applied to the calculatedRetailPrice. Such discounts apply only to usage of meterType = PAYG.
- calculatedWholesaleAfterDiscount – This represents a wholesale charge after the wholesale discount is applied. Such discounts apply only to usage of meterType = PAYG.
- devTestOffer If FALSE, the usage in this row was aggregated from the Organization’s “Pay-As-You-Go” offer subscriptions. if TRUE, the row represents “Pay-As-You-Go Dev/Test” usage.
- billingCurrency – Currency associated with the pricing. Always populated with one of USD, AUD, JPY
- errorCode – Populated only when an error condition occurs. One of the following:
- NO_PRICE_LIST = PAYG usage that did not appear on PAYG price list and is therefore unrated
- NO_ORGANIZATION_EA_<id of Ea> = Usage in a Multi-Tenant EA that could not be mapped to an Organization