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  4. How do I Search for an Organization Across all Provisioning Entities that I Have Access To?

How do I Search for an Organization Across all Provisioning Entities that I Have Access To?

This article explains how to search for an Organization across all Provisioning Entities that you have access to by Name or Organization ID. Your user must have access to 2 or more Provisioning Entities in order to search across multiple P.E.s

1. Log in to the Nebula UI and click on the search icon in the left-hand menu, then select ‘Find Organization’:

2. The ‘Search for Organization’ dialog will be displayed. All the Organizations that are available to the user will be displayed in a paginated list. You can search for the desired Organization by clicking through the pages, or you can enter the Organization’s Name or ID in the filter bar near the top:

  • Organization Name – Displays the Organization’s Name and ID. You can copy the Organization ID by clicking the Copy ID icon:
  • Ring Fenced – If the Organization is Ring Fenced, there will be a Checkmark in this column
  • Provisioning Entity Name – Indicates the Name and ID of the Provisioning Entity where the Organization is located. You can copy the Provisioning Entity ID by clicking the Copy ID icon
  • NTT Services Portal Enabled – If the Organization has been enabled for the NTT Services Portal, it will be indicated in this column. You can copy the NTT Services Portal ID by clicking on the Copy ID icon

3. Once you have located the desired Organization, click on it to highlight it, then click on the “Log into PE” button:

4. You will be re-directed to the Provisioning Entity where the desired Organization is located:

5. The UI will display a message indicating that the operation was successful:

6. Alternatively, you can click the ‘Search all Organizations’ button on the Organizations page. The process is the same using this method:

Updated on July 6, 2021

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