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  4. How to Associate an Existing User to a Provisioning Entity

How to Associate an Existing User to a Provisioning Entity

The “Associate User” function allows you to add access to a Provisioning Entity to an existing Nebula user in addition to any other Provisioning Entities to which they have access. There are two primary use cases for this function:

1) If someone logs into Nebula using SSO prior to being added by another user, their Nebula account is created but doesn’t have access to any Provisioning Entities. They won’t be seen in the User Management view but attempts to create them as a new user will fail.
The Associate User function allows these users to be associated with one or more Provisioning Entities.

2) If a user has access to a Provisioning Entity but needs to be added to another one, someone with the “users” role in the desired Provisioning Entity can use this function to add them. Note the user will have the same roles in all Provisioning Entities to which they have access.

1. Log in to the UI and click on User Management:

2. The User Management screen will be displayed. Click on “Associate User Not Listed” in the upper left-hand side of the screen:

3. The Associate User dialog will be displayed:

4. Enter the Email address of the user that you would like to associate with the Provisioning Entity, then select the desired Provisioning Entities, and click Submit:

Note: You must enter the email address exactly as it was created

5. The UI will display a success message:

6. The User will be associated with the Provisioning Entity and will appear in the User Management table:

Tip: You can use the Associate User function to associate users to any Provisioning Entity to which you have access. The function also works for users that are already associated with a Provisioning Entity.

Updated on April 21, 2022

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