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  4. How to Deprovision an Unused Subscription

How to Deprovision an Unused Subscription

This article explains how to de-provision an unused Azure Subscription.

Only Subscriptions that have not been transferred to the Target AAD can be Deprovisioned. If the Subscription has already been transferred, it must be cancelled within Azure as described in How to Cancel my NTT EA Subscription.

1. Log in to the Nebula UI and click on Organizations:

2. The Organizations page will be displayed. Locate the Organization where you want to de-provision a Subscription. Click on the cog in the Actions column, and select “Manage Subscriptions”:

3. The Manage Subscriptions dialog will be displayed. Locate the Subscription you would like to de-provision and click on the cog in the actions menu, then click De-provision Subscription:

4. The De-provision Subscription dialog will be displayed. Verify that you have selected the correct Subscription, then tick the confirmation box and click the “De-provision” button:

5. The UI will display a message indicating that the request has been submitted:

6. After a few minutes, you can reload the page and the Subscription will have been De-provisioned:

Updated on March 11, 2022

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