Provisioning Entity: A Nebula terms for an NTT Affiliate who is using the system to provision services such as Azure Subscriptions from the NTT Ltd. Cloud Infrastructure Division. Each entity manages their own Organizations.
Organization A Nebula term for a billing entity with one or more Azure Subscriptions or other Cloud Infrastructure Division services. Nebula will aggregate usage across Azure Subscriptions and compute PAYG charges on a per Organization basis.
Subscription: In the context of Nebula, it refers to an Azure Subscription. Azure Subscription is a Microsoft term for the logical entity that provides the entitlement to deploy and consume Azure resources. Nebula Organizations can be provisioned with multiple such Azure Subscriptions.
User: The normal role for a Nebula user. Users are given access to one or more Provisioning Entities. Within these entities, they can manage Organizations, provision Subscriptions, and manage additional Users with access to the same Provisioning Entities. Currently, there are no levels of functional permissions that can be applied to a User – all Users have access to all functions available to their Provisioning Entity.
Organizations (user role): This role grants users the ability to provision services, as well as view, add, edit and delete Organizations
Reports_Readonly (user role): This role grants users the ability to download reports
Enterprise Agreement (EA): – Microsoft Enterprise Agreement is a volume licensing program for larger customers than contains one or more SCE (Server Cloud Enrollments). Azure Subscriptions provisioned using Nebula are deployed under NTT Ltd.’s Cloud Infrastructure Division’s EA.
Management-Groups: An optional administrative function to group multiple subscriptions for management
Resource-Groups: A regional container that holds one or more resources belonging to a subscription
Resources: A manageable item like VNET, Public IP Address, Firewall, Load-balancer, VMs, Storage etc.