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  4. Introduction to Analysis (Power BI) Reports

Introduction to Analysis (Power BI) Reports

The Analysis function provides the ability to view graphical, interactive Analysis reports based on a Power BI view of the same Nebula usage data provided in the Reports function. Analysis reports provide a higher-level dashboard into your EA usage, allowing you to more easily analyze the data for insights and trending.


Rather than generating a CSV report, the Analysis function loads the same underlying usage data into a Power BI Report (PBIX) view that has been created by our administrators in Power BI Desktop and presents that view within the Nebula UI. The report loads with all the underlying data loaded into it, so these reports may take some time to generate. Once generated, the reports provide you the ability to interact with filters, dashboards, and buttons that have been pre-defined by our report designer.

In its current implementation, you cannot create your own Analysis Report – you can only view the Analyses we have designed. However, each one is populated with data from your Provisioning Entity, or with data from multiple Entities to which you have access. For details on how to generate an Analysis, see How to Generate an Analysis Report.

Available Reports

For details on each of the currently available Analysis Reports, see the following articles:

Understanding the Retail Consumption Dashboard

Datasets used by Analysis Reports

The dataset used by datasets used by the Analysis Reports, see the following articles:

Details on Monthly Costs Analysis Data Set

Updated on April 1, 2022

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