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Secure Connect Usage and Pricing

This article explains additional information about Secure Connect usage elements and their associated pricing.

For more information about Secure Connect, please see the Service Description:
Cloud Core Services for Microsoft Azure

Secure Connect Usage Overview

The Secure Connect feature of Cloud Core Services has charges based on three usage elements. There are separate rates for each of these elements depending on the Secure Connect Tenant’s plan and the Nebula Organization’s currency. Multiple Secure Connect Tenants of the same or different plans may be associated with a given Nebula Organization but each one is rated separately based on the Tenant’s plan.

Endpoint Hours – For each Client Endpoint deployed in a Secure Connect Tenant, there is a charge. Pricing is based on an hourly rate. Each deployed Endpoint incurs one hour of Endpoint Hours usage.

User Hours For each Secure Connect user deployed in a Secure Connect Tenant, there is a charge. Pricing is based on an hourly rate. Each user incurs one hour of User Hours usage.

Bandwidth Bandwidth charges are incurred for all inbound and outbound traffic between users and End Points. Bandwidth is measured in GiB (“gibibyte”, base two methodology) on an hourly basis with six decimal points of accuracy and the aggregated totals for all usage associated with the Secure Connect tenant are rated against the plan’s rate. Since pricing can vary per region, all of the usage for a given region is aggregated and applied against the region’s rate.

Bandwidth pricing uses a tiered model where the first tier of usage within a region for a given Secure Connect Tenant is free, the next tier is charged at a given rate, the next tier is charged at a lower rate, etc. See the tables below for each plan’s specific tiers and rates.

NOTE ON ROUNDING: For all usage elements, on a monthly basis the system aggregates usage and applies the total against the plan’s rate. For USD and AUD currencies, the system rounds to the nearest two decimal points. For JPY, rounding is to the nearest integer.

Secure Connect Pricing

Pricing varies depending on the Secure Tenant’s plan. If the Secure Tenant’s plan is changed during a month, the system will aggregate each portion of the month separately according to the plan in effect at the time of usage.

Essentials Plan Pricing

Essentials Endpoint and Users

Usage ElementPartPrice per hour ($USD)Price per hour (¥JPY)Price per hour ($AUD)
Endpoint Hours – EssentialsSC-END-ESS0.0342473.6986300.049315
User Hours – EssentialsSC-USR-ESS0.0082190.8904110.012329

Bandwidth GiB Essentials for North America (Part: SC-BW-NA-ESS) and Bandwidth GiB Essentials for Europe (Part: SC-BW-EU-ESS)

GiB TierPrice per GiB
Price per GiB
Price per GiB
0 to 4 GiBFreeFreeFree
4 to 10,000 GiB0.08759.8000.1202
10,000 to 50,000 GiB0.08309.2960.1140
50,000 to 150,000 GiB0.0700 7.8400.0962
Over 150,000 GiB0.0500 5.600 0.0687

Bandwidth GiB Essentials for Africa (Part: SC-BW-AF-ESS), Bandwidth GiB Essentials for Asia (Part: SC-BW-AP-ESS), and Bandwidth GiB Essentials for Australia (Part: SC-BW-AU-ESS)

GiB TierPrice per GiB
Price per GiB
Price per GiB
0 to 4 GiBFreeFreeFree
4 to 10,000 GiB0.120013.4400 0.1648
10,000 to 50,000 GiB0.08509.5200 0.1168
50,000 to 150,000 GiB0.08209.1840 0.1126
Over 150,000 GiB0.0800 8.96000.1099

Plus Plan Pricing

Plus Endpoint and Users

Usage ElementPartPrice per hour ($USD)Price per hour (¥JPY)Price per hour ($AUD)
Endpoint Hours – PlusSC-END-PLS0.0684937.5342450.098630
User Hours – PlusSC-USR-PLS0.0109591.1986300.016438

Bandwidth GiB Plus for North America (Part: SC-BW-NA-PLS) and Bandwidth GiB Plus for Europe (Part: SC-BW-EU-PLS)

GiB TierPrice per GiB
Price per GiB
Price per GiB
0 to 10 GiBFreeFreeFree
10 to 10,000 GiB0.08759.8000.1202
10,000 to 50,000 GiB0.08309.2960.1140
50,000 to 150,000 GiB0.07007.8400.0962
Over 150,000 GiB0.05005.6000.0687

Bandwidth GiB Plus for Africa (Part: SC-BW-AF-PLS), Bandwidth GiB Plus for Asia (Part: SC-BW-AP-PLS), and Bandwidth GiB Plus for Australia (Part: SC-BW-AU-PLS)

GiB TierPrice per GiB
Price per GiB
Price per GiB
0 to 10 GiBFreeFreeFree
10 to 10,000 GiB0.120013.44000.1648
10,000 to 50,000 GiB0.08509.52000.1168
50,000 to 150,000 GiB0.08209.18400.1126
Over 150,000 GiB0.08008.96000.1099
Updated on July 1, 2021

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